Revenue Management

For Hotels/Hostels

Was created from the necessity of managing the income of stablishments that because of their size cannot afford a Sales and Revenue department. The increase of the tourism in Spain and the growth of the accommodation offer makes the pricing strategy even more complex. These key factors create the necessity of a dedicated tracking of competitors prices and rate settings.


During the past 11 years we have managed establishments in the main Spanish cities. We look after administration, operations, sales, group sales and, above all, Revenue Management, in:

  • Barcelona, different areas of the city.
  • Valencia, where we manage most of the Hostels and where we have exceed the city average rate in the last two seasons.

We live in a world where changes happen on a daily basis. The new technologies and globalisation makes changing our rates twice a year not to be enough.

What do we do?

You probably have Heard about Revenue Management and its concepts: Forecast, ADR, RevPar, GopPar, etc. We love them but we will explain in an easy way what is our job:



We study your stablishment and detect your online image and distribution necessities. A good presence is decisive to compete such a dynamic market.
We will also determine the best sales channels to get to your clients and your competitor set.


We track the competitors and the local market. We are always aware of any changes and we take the best decision to maximize your benefit.


Taking into account the previous steps, we will decide what is the best price for the right product, the right customer and right moment. With a daily monitoring, control of the availability and rates we achieve a Revenue Growth of your stablishment.